But, the fact is that there are no longer any particular female or ladies jobs; women are making a mark for themselves even in male-dominated jobs as well.  There is no job that a female cannot do. But, there are a few females who want to know the best jobs for women in India. As one of the most critical factors that control’s women quality of life is financial independence. If they earn well, they would be able to bear their expenditures, and they would not have to be dependent on anyone.

30 Best Jobs For Women In India

Benefits of doing a job for a female

There are arrays of benefits that the women would have if they start working. They don’t need to go out to work as there is numerous work from home options as well these days. Whatever career type you choose, you would see a lot of changes in your personality and confidence. Here are some of the benefits- Happier and satisfied A lot of people assume that working women are more stressed and depressed, but it is not true. As per the studies, it has been observed that working women are less stressed and anxious than non-working women. If you start working, you will be in a happier state of mind.  A role model for kids Working women who balanced well between their personal and professional life can act as role models for their children. This would indirectly leave a positive impact on kids as when they see their mother managing things between office and home so well; you automatically become an ideal for them.  Financial Independence This is one of the most significant reasons why women should work, as earning would improve their quality of life and make them financially independent. Earning money would increase your confidence, give you a sense of accomplishment and make you more independent.  Support family financially By earning money, you would be able to bear your expenses and support your family. The money you earn can also be spent on your kids’ education, pay loans (if any) plus it would improve the standard of living as well. Better old age Working ladies who had a successful career tend to have a better old age than non-working females. Females who have worked all their lives would have money, social circles, and other things to look upon. But homemakers would just center around their children and husbands and always have to ask them for any sort of vacation or expenditure. Identity This is another significant point as except being a mother, daughter, or wife, you can make your own identity. In various cases, once a woman gets married, she loses her identity and individuality. It is essential to have your own identity, as it is necessary for your growth and confidence. Create social connections Just finding the best jobs for women in India is not enough; it is also vital that you build social relationships. As being a wife or a mother, you might have some busy days, but there can be times when you can feel lonely as you might not have any social connections.  If you work, you would contact people from different backgrounds, interact with them and make friends who can improve your knowledge.

Why should women work?

You must have seen many people trying to find the best paying job for girls, have you wondered why job hunting for girls has increased. There are multiple reasons why women should work and become self-dependent- You will raise stronger kids It might not be the first reason that comes to your mind, but it is an essential factor. When you work, the kids would automatically tend to become more active, responsible, and self-sufficient. The best thing is that your kids would not have to suffer from the ill effects of over-parenting as except for your kids there would be other things as well to look after for. A Bigger sense of purpose Many females think that the only thing left is motherhood and their family after marriage. But, this makes them feel unsatisfied and unhappy. If you start working, it will give you a more significant sense of purpose and personal fulfilment. You will be able to live life on your own terms; furthermore, it increases your self-esteem as well. You Value time Another reason that the females learn is valuing time as they would have to make the right time balance between office and home. They would know how much essential it is to value time plus they would teach this well to their kids as well. Make better decisions Working not only gives experience but along with that, it gifts you with better decision making sense as well. When you work, you have to take a lot of decisions as per your understanding which comes within you for all the aspects of life; hence when women start working, they can take better decisions for their family and kids as well. Change in views When a woman starts working her view changes for many things in life. As they become independent, they realize its importance and understand that for their kids as well. They connect with various people, interact with them and exchange views which improves them not only personally, but it changes the lives of the persons around them as well.

Are there any specific fields just reserved for women?

Women stand shoulder to shoulder with the males when it comes to career options, growth, and competency. There are numerous job opportunities for females in all types of industries. Women are equal to men, and there is no ground for discrimination.  You can see it in only the sectors starting from the political arena, corporate battlefields, Defense services, entrepreneurship, etc. Hence, there are no specific fields that are just reserved for females.  

Time Management Habits of Successful Women

Along with searching for the best jobs for women in India, it is imperative for you to learn the time management skills to make a perfect balance between your personal and professional life. In ancient times, there was a saying that, “career is for men and jobs are for women” but females today have changed this myth by proving themselves well in every field and sector.  All this is possible because females possess the right management skills and time management being the most important. Here are a few things to keep in mind while making the right time balance between work and home- Make a plan- The first thing you need to do is make a plan and stick to it. The benefit of planning is that you would be well aware of the time you need to give to a particular task and how you need to spend the remaining time with your family or for yourself. Take time for everything- When you make a plan ensure that you give time to everything such as your family, friends, hobbies, rest, work, and other things such as shopping, paying bills, etc.  Classify time as per tasks- While planning always note down the time as per the tasks. You would very well know how much time you should assign as per your experience. Ensure that you give enough time based on the task type. Plan weekly tasks in advance- It is always advisable to make weekly plans so that you do not miss out on anything plus if you have extra time, you can dedicate it towards your other commitments. Prioritize your work- Do not forget to prioritize your work. Always do the urgent work first so that if anything else comes up at least, you are ready with the work within the given time frame.  Identify your most efficient time- You need to understand the time when you can work with full concentration and without any other work pressure. Try to do the most critical work at that time as you would be able to complete it quickly, and the quality of work would also be better. 

30 Best Paying Jobs for Women in India

There are infinite types of jobs in India for women in the mainstream that offer women good earning options, and along with that, they can fulfil their career goals well. Here are some of the best jobs for women in India:

1. Teaching

This profession has always been considered as the best career option for females as they get a lot of respect here along with that a decent salary. In this job role, women get a chance to play an important role in shaping people’s life. There are both options available for teaching today, such as in schools and online as well.  You can opt for the class you want to teach as per your skills and qualification. There are various options you can choose from such as-

Primary teacher junior teacher high school teacher TGT teacher PGT teacher assistant professor professor

The number of job opportunities in India’s education sector has been increasing tremendously since the last decade. For females who have done B.Ed. they can also apply for the job in the Government schools and colleges as well. They pay an excellent salary; you can earn from Rs. 35,000 to Rs.1,00,000  as per your experience and job position.  Professors and senior professors earn even more than this. Therefore, teaching can be a fabulous option for females as it is a peaceful job along with good earning and a lot of respect.

2. Medical Practitioner

Being a doctor or nurse is one of the best jobs for women in India. In ancient times, females were not allowed to opt for this career as the study period was very long, and the educational requirements were stringent. But now the time has changed, and many females are opting for this career and doing pretty well. Women are born caregivers; therefore, this can be an excellent profession for them. It has been observed that female physicians take better care of the elderly and kids both and had fewer patients died compared to male physicians. Hence, women can excel in the nursing and doctor profession.  Initially, it might be tough to create a balance between work and home, but gradually things do settle down. This profession gives more stability and employment opportunities for females. There are many career options in this field as well; you can work in a private or government hospital, open your clinic, or work under other doctors.  A career in pharmacy and diagnostics have seen a rise in women professionals. Hence you have multiple options in this profession as well. No fixed salary can be defined in this profile, but yes, you can earn a fair amount of money if you treat your customers well. 

3. Cabin crew and hospitality

This one is a women-dominating profession as various airlines prefer to hire women for this. In fact, several women also like joining the hospitality sector as they inherently have this element in them. This sector makes them financially independent and gives them a chance to travel and see the world. This profession is very attractive because of this reason a lot of females are entering into this career. One important thing required in this field is good communication skills as in both hospitality and cabin crew jobs you need to communicate with people. The earning in these fields is pretty good, your package can start from Rs.5,00,000 and go up to Rs.8,00,000 depending on the experience.

4. Human Resource

These jobs are perfect for females as it requires emotional intelligence skills and should have the ability to recognize the talent and see that the candidate would perfectly fit in the company’s culture or not. This job role requires good communication and interpersonal skills.  If you wish to apply for a bigger post, you would need a master’s degree in human resource management. There are a lot of HR professionals who do not possess an advanced graduate degree. Still, nowadays there are various online certifications that can help you enhance your HR Skills and prospects. Human Resource people are one of the organization’s most valuable assets, no matter whichever area or industry it is. It can be a lucrative job, but it would solely depend on the company and the industry in which you work in. 

5. Beautician and makeup artist

This is another profession where women are in demand these days. Because of the high awareness of fitness and beauty, more and more people are getting attached to this profile. You can start your career by doing a beautician course at a well-known beauty school. There are a lot of options that you can choose from in this profession, such as-

You can either start your own studio  can work with any known artist create your own YouTube channel related to beauty can choose to become a celebrity makeup artist can also join the film industry as a makeup artist

If you render good services with quality products, you will be able to establish your own market quickly. Also Read: Top Makeup & Beautician Courses in India

6. Banking & Insurance

The financing and banking sector provides some of the best professions for females as this job needs patience and people management skills as well. Women also prefer this profession because working in a bank is considered a respectable job, and it also offers a promising career. Both the banking and insurance sectors are flourishing of the Indian economy, and women are known for their significant role in shaping retail banking in India.  The banking sector of India is tremendous and has proved to be resilient. Banking jobs in India have been increasing both in government and private sectors; hence, females have an excellent opportunity to get into this field and earn a decent amount of salary. For banking and insurance jobs, you would need excellent communication skills, good knowledge of the industry you are joining, and customer handling skills. Other than the bank, there are other finance-related jobs as well, such as-.

Financial Analyst Chartered Accountant Relationship Manager Customer Services Executive Capital Market Trader/Broker

7. Yoga or Fitness Trainer

Awareness of fitness and health is increasing immensely because of the growing pollution, unhealthy food, inactive lifestyle, and other such factors. People are gaining weight due to which various lifestyle diseases are growing. Because of these reasons, the opportunities in this field are also increasing; you can become a fitness trainer, yoga instructor, dietician, nutritionist, or clinical nutritionist. These job profiles would not only keep you fit, but you can earn a fair amount of money in this. There are various types of yoga classes that people opt for, such as prenatal yoga and post-natal yoga; you can offer yoga training online. If you do well as a fitness trainer, you can also plan to open your gym or yoga center. 

8. Sales and Marketing

For doing a sales or marketing job, you would need good communication skills, multi-tasking, and people’s understanding. There are numerous job roles in this profession, such as sales head, marketing manager, chief executive officer, and many more. The best thing about these jobs is that you would get a basic fixed salary and the incentives in sales and marketing are remarkable.  These jobs will make you learn a lot of new things that would help the various areas of your life as well, such as in planning, implementation, execution, negotiation, follow-up, and decision making.  There are a lot of things that a woman can gain from these jobs, most notably selling.

9. Fashion Designing

Fashion has become an inseparable part of everyone’s life today. This industry has been flourishing for a couple of years now. If you have a great fashion sense and are creative, you can opt for this field.  Designing is one of those industries that can offer many options for girls, such as jewellery designing, apparel designing, textile designing, and much more. If you are well-versed with other work types such as embroidery, handloom, etc., you can even start this business from home. If you provide good work, then you can make a lot of money in this industry. It might take a little time to make your name in the fashion world, but there is no looking back once you do it. In this profile, you need to leverage the desire of your clients to own the trendiest clothes. 

10. Journalism

This is one of the best jobs for women in India as it not only increases confidence to face the camera and makes you stronger. Journalism is the process of collecting and presenting news and information on TV, radio, newspaper, etc. It is a challenging, adventurous, and slightly risk job, yet women love joining this profile. A couple of years back, this job was gender-biased, but with the advent of a few females who made their name in journalism, a lot of females got inspired. But now, Indian women have outnumbered the number of males.  You can earn a handsome amount of salary in this job along with decent incentives. Numerous women love this job as here they get a chance to enlighten the public and increase the awareness of pressing social issues.  All you need is good communication skills and confidence to do this job. If you possess these two elements, then there are a wide range of opportunities for you in this field. You not only get creative freedom but job satisfaction as well. Some of the job options in this profile are-

Reporter Copywriter Sub-editor Research Analyst Writer Content Writer

If you wish to be the driving voice of social change, this can be the best profession. Also Read: List of Top 10 Colleges for Journalism in India

11. Law

Justice Department of India lacked women, but now this sector has numerous jobs for women. There are multiple law firms where women lawyers are doing a fantastic job. In fact, many females are the Judges of the Honorable Supreme Court of India, such as Indu Malhotra and R.Banumathi.  Although the ratio between men and women is still low, as per a report of 16,000 judges in the lower judiciary, only 27.7% are females in India. If you have a law degree and want to establish your name, then there are a plethora of opportunities for you.  Once you make your name in this industry, you can earn really well, and you also get a chance to shape society. Lawyers and Judges play a vital role as they ensure that the country heads in the right direction and people get justice if something wrong happens.

12. Professional Sports

There was a time when sports were considered a male-dominant field. But, now the time has changed and so has this trend. There are a lot of areas in sports where the females have left males behind such as Sakshi Malik, PV Sindhu, Mary Kom, and many more. If you are skilled in any sport, you can play at the state, national, and international levels. This would not only help you gain income, but you would get a lot of fame, and you would also become an idol for so many people across the globe.  Now, you can not only earn from sports, but you get a lot of advertisements, endorsements, people call you for openings, and much more. Hence, if you are good at any sports, you should practice and try and make your own in it.

13. Entrepreneurship

People usually think that entrepreneurship is for men and only they can start a business with a new idea. But, the time has changed, and there are a lot of females who commence their venture and make significant profits out of it.  Entrepreneurship is not just starting a business, but it comprises of taking calculated risks and multi-tasking. Women are naturally gifted with these aspects, which is why it is said to be one of the best jobs for women in India. It is not essential that they start a big venture; it can be a small store, a business from home, an innovative start-up, or joining their family business. In fact, you might have seen many companies where the CEO is a female, or they are handling the entire company. Thus, if you have any such idea and want to start your own business, then do not stop yourself. Make plans, calculate the risk and start your own business.

14. Career Counseling & Psychological

It has been observed that females have better communication skills, are good listeners, and show more empathy. Because of these skills, this can be an excellent profession for females, and even a lot of companies opt for female counsellors as this field requires good interpersonal skills that females have better than males. Also, females can guide better in the path of education as they can help them find the right way through life. There is a big responsibility in this profile as you will have to assess the student’s personality, interests, behaviour, and aptitudes before guiding them on anything.   By analyzing everything, you can tell them about what they are good at and which career is best for them. You can get career counselling jobs quickly with schools, NGOs, or set up your independent practice.

15. Interior Designing

This industry has been blooming for years as several people think of redesigning their homes and making a new house. Women are often seen decorating their house and plan on how to set up their house. All this requires a lot of observation, creativity, and a great sense of designing, and this is what is needed in this profession.  You can start this work along with your day job as well (if any) as initially, it might not require that much time. Once you make your reputation in the market and people start liking your work, then you would have to give a lot of time to this profession.  To become an interior designer, you would require a diploma/degree in interior design or interior architecture, or Interior and Furniture design to get a job. If you want, you can also start your work and make clients. Also Read: 20 Successful Home Based Business Ideas in India

16. Indian Air force

The stereotype that only men can join the Indian Air force has been broken, and a lot of females are now a part of Defense. IAF is one of the most significant parts of air arms of Defense. This isn’t an easy job, but many females have joined IAF and made the country proud. They give training before selecting any candidate and ensuring that the person they choose should be ready to put their life at stake to protect the nation’s skies against external forces. Hence, joining the Air Force as a pilot would make you financially independent and make your family and country proud.

17. Civil Services

This is another sector when you can make a flourishing career while serving the country. You would have to clear the Union Public Service Commission’s exams to get selected for the civil servants’ job. Passing the exam is not as easy as you will have to do a lot of hard work and studying for it. The primary role of the civil servants is to influence the decision making of the government. The best part of this job is the status and powers that come along with it are tremendous. There have been various female Civil Servants who have made their name and have become a source of inspiration for many such as Kiran Bedi, Dr Sanjukta Parashar, and many more.

18. Digital Marketing

Nowadays almost everything has become online as people have started liking online shopping because of their ease and convenience. Thus, every organization wants to make their identity online as well, and for that, they need the help of digital marketing companies. There has been a rise in employment in this sector; therefore, women can take up digital marketing courses online or offline and choose this as their career.  This option can be best for females looking for work from home options as you can do this work sitting at home without any trouble of leaving your family or kids. The earning is good, and the nice thing is that you can work at your convenience.

19. Entertainment Industry

This might seem very interesting and fascinating to females who wish to be a part of the entertainment industry. It is a glamorous world that has numerous job opportunities along with a decent salary. You might not know that the media and entertainment industry has worth more than Rs. 1440 billion and has employed more than 3.4 million people directly or indirectly. There are multitudes of jobs for you in this sector if you look attractive and beautiful. You can get work as a:

Female model Anchor Stylist Cinematographer Actor Singing Videography Choreographer

The job options in this field are infinite; all you need is to focus on what you are good at and wish to make your career in. Numerous females have made their names in the industry such as Ekta Kapoor, Deepika Padukone, Priyanka Chopra, and many more.

20. Online or Freelancing

As internet usage has increased so has the options of working online multiplied. There are various types of work from home options for females; these are considered one of the best jobs for women in India as here they can work as per their convenience and they do not even need to leave their kids or home. Various online jobs are blogging, content writer, virtual assistant, typing, transcription, and translation jobs. It would depend on your skills, interest, and capability the type of work you choose. There are many freelancing websites where you can easily find online jobs and ensure that they are genuine and do not charge anything from you. Also Read: Best Online Jobs for Housewives & Work at Home Moms

21. Customer Service & Support

When it comes to hearing grievances, women are considered to be more empathetic and understanding. They can listen to the customer’s complaints with patience and guide them well. You can easily find a job in a BPO or KPO and become a customer service professional there. If you wish to become a customer support executive, you would need good communication skills, be a great listener, and know how to handle any type of complaint professionally. You would need a Bachelor’s degree for applying for this job; no advanced qualification is required. 

22. Website & Software development

This can be one of the best paying jobs for girls if they are well versed in excel and software development. There are a lot of options in IT jobs, both offline and online; you can choose any as per your convenience. Software developers can work from anywhere and connect with their team, so there is a lot of flexibility in this job role. If you are not well versed with website or software development, you can learn it by taking online classes. There are a lot of career options that you can choose from in the IT sector, such as-

Coding Cybersecurity Data science Machine learning Robotics and AI Website development

You can puck any profession and start the training, within a couple of months you will be ready to take a job or start a venture of your own.

23. Accounting

This profession is specifically for females who are good at accounts and bookkeeping. A lot of vigilance and attention to detail is required in this job role. If you have done B.Com, CA, MBA in Finance, or have a management degree, this can be a perfect profession. You should have good knowledge of Excel and Tally as it would be required to make and file GST, TDS, and Income tax returns for your clients. It is imperative for you to maintain a good relationship with your customers to easily understand their business goals and objectives. There are various working options in this job profile such as you can take up a job or work as a freelance accountant, also if you want you can start your own office if you have a good number of clients.

24. Caterer

If you love cooking just like many other females and want to make it your career, there are many options for you. You can either start with a part-time caterer job or commence your own business. You can also take online cooking classes if you want to learn cooking or know more about the catering business.  Marketing is an important factor if you wish to start your own business. You need to ensure that the food you prepare is made of high-grade quality products and should be prepared hygienically. A catering business is much more than cooking as you would need to transport the food to the venue plus serving food at parties; hence, remember that you would need a team to start this business.

25. Government Jobs

Several females consider Government jobs as the best jobs for women in India because of job security, safety, stability, and other perks. In fact, it can also be said that for both men and women in India, government jobs are the most desired choice. There are a lot of government job options such as railways, air force, municipal, accounts, in banks, navy, teacher, and many more. The best part about these jobs is that they are permanent plus you get a pension, and along with that you get many perks like medical facilities, the railway is free, etc. Also Read: 25 Profitable Small Scale Manufacturing Business Ideas in India

26. Blogger

Blogging has become famous for a couple of years, and it is a fascinating job. In this, you have to share your experience and let people know your views or opinion on a specific topic. The topic can be anything of your choice, such as food, entertainment, clothing, cooking, beauty, travelling, etc.  It is a very comfortable job for women as they can do it from home and as per their time convenience plus the good thing is that you write on a topic that you like the most. Establishing the name in this business might take a little time, but once you make your name, you can earn a lot of money through blogging. 

27. YouTuber

In today’s time, most people spend their time online on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and most importantly, on YouTube. You might get surprised to know that YouTube is the second most visited site in the world. If you want, you can use this website for making your profession. You can become a YouTuber by making videos on anything you like, such as cooking, travelling, fun videos, dancing, makeup tutorials, etc. The more people like your videos and as the views increase you get paid for that accordingly. There are a lot of people earning lakhs every month by just making videos. Therefore, as per your interest and skills, you can also start making videos, and if the number of viewers increases, you will earn more and more. 

28. Interpreter

This can again be a good career option for women as they can earn a good amount of money annually. There are arrays of job opportunities in this profession, and getting a job as an interpreter is not challenging. All you need is to be well-versed in any English such as French, Spanish, German, Japanese, etc.  If you know any foreign language, you can easily get an interpreter job. In fact, you can get a job in an embassy, or various government job options are also there as they need interpreters to converse with other nations. Also, if you want, you can start online or offline coaching of the language that you learn. 

29. Reputation Manager

This job is in demand these days of the increased pressure of creating a business online and competing with the big brands. This is one of the highest Public Relations jobs; this job is relatively simple but productive. There are numerous chances to grow in this field, but you need to give the best outcome to the company.  In this job profile, you would have to build the company’s reputation through different media channels like the web, print media, and other social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, etc. You would be delighted to know that you can earn more than Rs. 50, 000 a month as a reputation manager.

30. Digital Strategist Play

You might be hearing about this job for the first time, but it is one of the best jobs for women in India as the job is very simple and you can earn a fair amount of money every month through this. In this job, you would have to stay online all through the working hours and would have to guide the clients on increasing their tech presence. You would not require showing any particular degree for applying for this job, all you need is in-depth knowledge about modern technology and should know how to use the social media platforms such as Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, etc. Recommended: 30 Best Home Based Business Ideas for Housewives & Moms The modern Indian working women know no boundaries, and they are ready to do all sorts of jobs be it pilot, civil services, entrepreneur, or anything you can think of. Hence, now there are plentiful options for women in India in all kinds of industries all you need is to choose any job, make it your profession, and work hard to make it the best job for women in India.

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