Create Zoom Effect Animation in PowerPoint

Before Starting you will need a map of the world at least for this Project, you can get that from google images. After that, you need a circle with the shape to put in into your animation and you can effect the animation.

How to Create the Circle with the Shape?

Step #1. Visit Insert tab and open Map image, after opening fix that with the background. Step #2. Right, click on the slide to duplicate the slide. Step #3. Draw a circle on the area which you want to zoom. I have circled the south Africa to zoom. When you draw a circle, select the shape, then visit Draw tools, select shape fill, and select no Fill. When you did that, this time, select Shape outline-select  Weight and increase the weight like the screenshot. Also if you want to change the color too. Step #4. The next step is to crop the image. In order to crop it, select the Picture, then visit the Format Tab in PowerPoint Ribbon. Then visit size gallery, expand the crop and select crop to shape. Step #5. After that select circle, to crop the Picture to circle. Now you can recognize, you have coped Picture into Circle But it doesn’t seem right. Step #6. In order to fix it, again visit expand the crop by clicking  on the triangle. This time select Aspect Ratio, then select 1:1. Step #7. After cropping you will notice, the crop seems big, in order to fix it crop it till the circle which we have already draw. Take a look at a screenshot. When you did that crop that from size gallery in format tab of Ribbon. Step #8. After that Press, Ctrl+A to select all of the things. It will select the picture map and shape which we drew before. Step #9. After that press Ctrl+X to cut, and paste that on the first slide by Press Ctrl+ V on the keyboard.

Creating Animation

Step #1. When both shapes selected, visit animation tab in ribbons, and chose a specific animation to zoom them. I am going to select Grow/Shrink from emphasis. Step #2. Now you can see it is animated with zoom effect but I want the first circle should and after that, both of them should zoom in. In order to do this select animation Pane, that we can see the animations which we are applying. Step #3. Since I want circle should appear first, after that both of them should zoom. Select the circle, remember the only circle. After that select, Add Animation apply while animation effect to the circle. Step #4. In animation Pane you can see now we have 3 animations. If you play that you will find an error, the error means while animation appearing at last. In order to fix it select while animation and drag that to the first, so it should appear first. In animation pane, you can see I have that on the top. Here take a look at Project which  we created earlier before. I had increased its size due to its size. but when you will create, that will be slow.


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How to Create Zoom Effect Animation in PowerPoint 2016    Zoom Effect - 56How to Create Zoom Effect Animation in PowerPoint 2016    Zoom Effect - 89How to Create Zoom Effect Animation in PowerPoint 2016    Zoom Effect - 98How to Create Zoom Effect Animation in PowerPoint 2016    Zoom Effect - 88How to Create Zoom Effect Animation in PowerPoint 2016    Zoom Effect - 98How to Create Zoom Effect Animation in PowerPoint 2016    Zoom Effect - 4How to Create Zoom Effect Animation in PowerPoint 2016    Zoom Effect - 76How to Create Zoom Effect Animation in PowerPoint 2016    Zoom Effect - 50How to Create Zoom Effect Animation in PowerPoint 2016    Zoom Effect - 31How to Create Zoom Effect Animation in PowerPoint 2016    Zoom Effect - 1How to Create Zoom Effect Animation in PowerPoint 2016    Zoom Effect - 48